The Second Edition of The Three Rules to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Forever is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple Books.
How To Create a Habit
How To Know When to Retire
How To Know When to Retire I left my medical practice of 19 years last week. I’ve had three parties celebrating my retirement, but I don’t call it retirement. Retirement used to mean quitting a job of 35 years, then…
What Is the Best Sweetener?
What Is the Best Sweetener? I am frequently asked about sweeteners. Are they safe? Remember that everything has a downside and a risk. Eating a lot of sugar, the original sweetener, leads to obesity and diabetes. Even fruits and vegetables…
Why Do Carbohydrates Matter?
Why do carbohydrates matter? They cause weight gain. Without bad carbs, calories don’t matter. For years, we learned that we gained weight and fat by taking in more calories than we burned. Calories in–calories out. That is not true. I…
What Is Work-Life Balance?
How to Use an Actuarial Table. The best way to make long-term decisions.
How to Use an Actuarial Table. The two most important columns. This post is not for actuaries or insurance people. This is for deciding your future and what to do over the next few years or decades. This will help…
Should You Move When You Retire? It’s probably better not to.
Should you move when you retire? Obviously, it depends on many factors, but the answer is usually “No.” Like any decision, the best approach is to look at as many benefits and downsides as possible. What are the benefits of…
Do As You Say
Do as you say. Would you go to an obesity doctor if they were obese? Would you go to a cosmetic dentist if their teeth looked horrible? I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t go to a smoke cessation clinic if the doctor…
Two Simple Healthy Habits
Two Simple Healthy Habits I am amazed how two simple healthy habits can set me up for the day. Healthy habits build on each other. You do one, and it leads to the next. You feel stupid if you do…