
What Are Healthy Foods?

What Are Healthy Foods?

It is a simple question. What are healthy foods? This is actually an impossible question to answer. I can name foods I consider healthy, but other people may call them unhealthy. There are two big problems with answering which foods…

Is Coffee Good For You?

So many people don’t believe that coffee is good for them. As always, I am not giving medical advice. Consult your physician before you make a significant lifestyle change. Last weekend, my wife and I went for a run. Our…

Should You Quit Drinking Alcohol?

Should you quit drinking alcohol?

Many people in this country would be better off if they quit drinking alcohol. As I have said before, there is a risk and benefit of nearly everything we do. Alcohol is no exception. From a strict health standpoint, there…

Exercise Every Day

Exercise Every Day

I see no reason not to exercise every day. I am not talking about people who are physically unable to exercise, though there are few such people. I also am not suggesting you run ten miles or lift weights three…

Why Drugs Are Bad

Drugs are bad because you lose this

Nearly everyone has heard that drugs are harmful. I go a step further. Drugs are bad. Nearly everything can be harmful. Smoking causes cancer, driving leads to car accidents, seeing friends can lead to respiratory illnesses. I rarely say that…

Alcohol and Obesity

Alcohol and Obesity

Alcohol and Obesity There are many risks of alcohol. We all know about drinking and driving and the development of liver disease. Other risks are accidents in the home, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and dementia. Alcohol increases the risk of…