Is Veganism Healthy?

Is Veganism Healthy?

Everyone knows that a vegan diet is healthier than eating meat, right? In many cases, no. What makes veganism healthy is eating the right foods and only the right foods on the vegan diet.

For many years, meat was said to have been the cause of worsening health problems in the United States. Then experts said it was fat and meat, which often contains a lot of fat. The evidence was generally unconvincing. Now we know that some meat is better than others, and some fats are far better than others. For example, lean beef and pork may have little, if any, health consequences.

Whether veganism is healthy is a complex topic, and I will divide it into a few sections. First is the issue of ultra-processed foods. Americans eat a lot of it, which is not good for us. Ultra-processed foods, including refined wheat bread, pastries, candies, and most snacks, increase the risk of early mortality. This study in the British Medical Journal followed over a hundred thousand health professionals and tracked the consumption of ultra-processed food and health problems. I was not surprised that those who ate the most such foods died younger on average. I was stunned that the quartile of study participants who ate the least ultra-processed foods ate a median of 3 servings a day. That is a lot.

If your idea of veganism contains significant ultra-processed foods like Fritos and candy, then you are not eating healthy.

The next topic is carbohydrates. There are healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs. Fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains are generally in the healthy category. Eating what I call bad carbs in my book is the cause of most of the obesity in this country. My diet has some meat—mainly fish and poultry, but I don’t eat bad carbs or ultra-processed foods. You can be a vegan and eat bread, pasta, and candy. If you have a weight problem, then potatoes are bad carbs. Remember, sugar and high-fructose corny syrup are vegan.

Next is protein. Not eating enough protein can lead to muscle wasting. You can get enough protein on a vegan diet, but it isn’t easy unless you pay close attention. Tuna for lunch and chicken for dinner is enough protein for the day. It takes a lot of beans and rice to accomplish that.

What about alcohol? Alcohol is clearly vegan. Veganism is not healthy if the diet contains a lot of alcohol. As far as I know, being vegan does not protect you against the increased risk of cancer and liver disease if you drink significant amounts of alcohol, whether it is in wine, beer, or liquor.

Salt is another problem that vegans and omnivores both face. Vegan pizza, bacon, sausage, and Fritos all contain significant amounts of salt. If you have a blood pressure problem, then your diet is making it worse.

The healthiest diet contains no ultra-processed foods, no bad carbs, and includes beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Adding fish makes it even healthier. And you have to have enough protein. Red meat should not be your primary source of protein, but it is not as harmful as once thought.

If you are vegan and eat the good foods I mentioned and avoid the bad ones, then you are indeed eating healthy. If you eat whatever vegan food is available, you probably are not as healthy as you think.
